Thursday, October 12, 2006


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Country: United States
Release Year: 2005
Genre: Psychological / Action / Macabre / Thriller
Language Format: English / German
Running Time: 95 minutes

Ryan Francis .... Losey
Scott MacDonald .... Deming
David Warner .... Deacon
Linda Thorson .... Maria
Daniel Roebuck .... Soldier
James LeGros .... Soldier
Andrei Dumitrescu .... Andrei
Nelu Dinu .... Nelu
Ion Bechet .... Sergeant
Liliana Perepelicinic .... Anna
Eugen Stoica .... The Children
Radu Stoica .... The Children
Emil Micsunescu .... The Children
Ionut Ududec .... The Children
Radu Dragos .... The Children

It's safe to say this is one of if not, the wierdest WWII movie out there.
I've never heard of this movie before I saw it on the shelf of a used dvd rental place. Its the type of movie that really deserves a look because it will give you everything, from action to thriller to mystery to drama, some very graphically staged gore, and a whole bucket of wierdness.

The movie starts out by showing MP Officers escorting 2 soldiers who have gotten themselves into some trouble (we don't know why...yet!) along the way they set off some mines that pretty much kills everyone, except the 2 fugitive soldiers. Thus, the 2 set out on a journey to find out exactly where the hell on earth they are.

They know that theyre somewhere in war torn Europe, but where exactly. Along the way the discover the horrifying destruction that the war has done to the once beautiful countryside, and most of all to its people what's left of them anyway.

First of all, the pacing of this movie is as it should be for the simple reason that its a haungtin WWII tale. It was never advertised as an action flick to begin with. Its something out of ordinary. Basically the 2 soldiers while both Americans do not trust each other whoever has possession of the only handgun that one of them managed to swipe from one of the dying MP Officers has authority.

Along the way they see the destructive power the war has done to its homeland. They also meet wierd people, not to mention creepy as they try to unravel the mystery of this god forsaken place.

The movie takes place in 1945 so the war is over, but the place they're at is so remote, them along with the people in it still thinks that the war is still goin on.
So its not surprising when a German Tank Battallion is seen marching towards a factory that people in it were heavily armed and ready to go to war against the Germans. You see the Germans of course knows and acknowledges that the war is over therefore they never had any intention to harm and kill innocent civilians and American Soldiers who happen to frequent the area, however the people and the soldiers didn't know and weren't aware of that fact.

Hence, the inevitable outcome.

In conclusion, the movie is a must see due to its anti-war message laid out the whole entire flick. Sudden constant flashbacks however are a bit annoying but it won't deter you from enjoying this flick. Just don't think of it as an action extravaganza because well it ain't! Just enjoy it for what it is, a very slow paced, creepy, haunting, graphic, and somewhat ambitious WWII movie that has a very cheeky approach, and unapologetically honest.

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