Sunday, May 28, 2006


Country: Japan
Release Year: 2002
Genre: Dark Comedy
Language Format: Japanese
Running Time: 70 minutes

Maho Nonami
Daisuke Kizaki
Eiko Koike

[Writer / Director]
Yukihiko Tsutsumi

Back in 2002. Two premiere contemporary japanese directors went on a duel. Not the type one would think of like a duel to the death.


It was more of a friendly duel, the weapon of choice:

Movie Cameras.

The rules:

A movie with two main characters, in a confined space. The whole movie is to take place in this aforementioned space. No more...No less!

The directors that went head to head were Ryuhei Kitamura and Yukihiko Tsutsumi.

Thus, the duel became...

Kitamura-san : ARAGAMI (Action / Fantasy)
Tsutsumi-san : 2LDK (Dark Comedy)

Ryuhei Kitamura is the more popular one considering he's produced blockbusters such as AZUMI(2003),AZUMI 2(2003), SKY HIGH(2003), ALIVE(2002), GODZILLA:FINAL WARS(2004)and of course...the zombie-martial arts cult classic, VERSUS(2000)a personal favorite of yours truly!!!

Ryuhei Kitamura is understandably the favored one when this clash of the ultimate directors was being promoted. However i'll talk more about Kitamura-san and ARAGAMI, the movie he entered later on. In the meantime, right now we'll talk about Yukihiko Tsutsumi's 2LDK(2002)

First off let me just say that Eiko Koike is an absolute beauty!!! Plus she can act too! But this movie is not just about her of course. Her co-star slash roommate in the movie Maho Nonami is also pretty, although not as cute as Koike-chan. She can however hold her own when it comes to ass-kicking, because that's what she does to her roomate Eiko Koike. These two girls demonstrates the meaning of absolute rage towards another person may they be an acquaintant or in this case a roomate!!!

Think of 2LDK sort of like a "mini-BATTLE ROYALE!" I know that's a cheap way of describing this awesome film but just imagine it for a second. BATTLE ROYALE takes place on a deserted island where kids were on a battle royale-kill or be killed type of situation. As for 2LDK it's not an island but the apartment instead. The scenario is the same...where the two lovely ladies go on a battle royale-eque-ish, kill or be killed scenario. It's true, the plot is very simple, and a blast to watch!!!

To give you an overview here's the scenario:
Two attractive young girls are being housed in an apartment type complex that has 2 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 dining rooms, and 2 kitchens...hence the title 2LDK.

Faith it seems is not without a sense of irony, you see they're both aspiring actresses, and they're both auditioning for the same part thus, the jealousy, and all-out hatred towards each other ensues.

Each, and every scene that happens in the movie from beginning to the very end is a masterpiece. Tsutsumi-san is a genius let me state this now. It is without a doubt that Tsutsumi-san had a vision to keep the viewers interest at an all-time high as you watch 2LDK. The way he does it is very clever, for instance he takes a normal conversation between the two ladies. What would've have been an otherwise boring scene is only spruced-up by Tsutsumi-san by enabling their thoughts of each other the viewers that is.

For example, while Maho's characters is talking about her exploits of the day Eiko's character is thinking and while she's thinking the viewer is able to hear what she's 'REALLY' thinking. Eiko's character's thoughts is amplified and we learn she's checkin' out Maho's character's very expensive, and shallow taste in clothing and accessories. Meanwhile, while Maho's character is chatting her 'REAL' thoughts is also amplified and the viewer is also able to hear what she's thinking of Eiko. It's safe to say that both of their thoughts about each other are'nt very friendly to say the least. On the contrary, we not only see how different these two women are. We can also hear how different they both are.

Very clever storytelling indeed!!!

The very obvious MacGuffin here is both of the Ladies reserved jealousy, and hatred towards each other. This the formula that drives this film. As per the Duel rules, the whole entire movie takes place inside the apartment, and Tsutsumi-san didn't have a problem with that at all!

The hatred of the girls towards each other starts from simple evil thoughts, and as the movie moves along so does the hurt that these two ladies bring upon themseleves.
The fight gets progressively more physical, and the damage more brutal. Let's just say there's stabbings, electricutions, chainsaw, melee' attacks with a very heavy, and blunt objects, egg throwings, body slams, the list goes on...

...this movie is so whacked out you will be taken for a shocking, and joyous ride as you watch these two ladies attempt to kill each other over a movie part. Truly spectacular filmmaking. It's also safe to say 2LDK is the undisputed winner of the duel. I saw ARAGAMI first because Kitamura-san directed it he was clearly my favorite to win the contest however, after seeing 2LDK I now have a new found respect for Yukihiko Tsutsumi-san's filmmaking vision.

2LDK is an new-breed of visionary movie making at its most limited. Tsutsumi-san showed the world that despite a very limited budget, and a very limited amount of resources, and not to mention set spaces as per duel rules. Anyone, provided they have the same vision as Tsutsumi-san, is still able to make a movie that's engaging as it is indulging for our guilty pleasure senses.

No doubt 2LDK is a guilty pleasure!!! It's just so damn good. It's the type of movie that will stick in your head, and in your thoughts long after you've watched it. No doubt you'll talk about it because it's different, yet brilliant!!!

2LDK is indeed without a doubt, another japanese cult-classic!!!

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