Thursday, April 27, 2006


Country: South Korea
Release Year: 1999
Genre: Pyschological Thriller
Language: Korean
Runtime: 118 minutes

Han Suk-kyu
Shm Eun-ha
Seon Jeung-hang

Yoon-Hyun Chang

Tell Me Something is in the same vein as SEVEN, simply because of it's dark, wet, feel of the film. A semi-noir stylistical visual presentation.

As far as comparison however to SEVEN, this is where it stops because TMS focuses solely in its character development. The pace of the movie is steady if a little slow at times but that is done so that the audience remains focused on what's happening in the plot on screen.

To simply captivate the viewer, and at the same time make he/she think, to guess what's going on. And that is after all the sheer enjoyment of watching TMS. It never stops, there's always a twist in every turn. From the beginning to the very end.

One thing to keep in mind while viewing TMS, is the constant clues being thrown at the viewer. Like the scattered remains of body parts of the victims being found randomly throughout the city. The story is a giant jigsaw puzzle if you will, tiny clues that is everywhere which makes the viewing of TMS an absolute delight.

For the entire one hundred and seventeen minutes you will be transported to a world of constant fear, because everyone is a suspect. Who is exactly commiting these crimes, and why. Just as SEVEN delved into the serial killer's human or in this case, inhuman psyche. So too does TMS.

Even though you are presented to the TMS world through the eyes of a troubled detective, it's the characters around him that adds the formula to the already complex storyline.
Besides the brutal, at times gory scenes of horror being presented.

There are a number of different flashbacks that help explain, and keep the flow of the story at a steady pace. There are times where the characters would convey their emotions through the expressions on their faces, without uttering one single word.

There is also something about the movie that will keep you at a constant feeling of uneasyness, this is where TMS excels in the most. It plays with your emotions, it sort of forces you to watch a certain character, and study them well. The soundtrack used in the movie adds more depth, and helps to heighten the ambience of the film.

In short, TMS is a film that should be given at least a single viewing. Although It requires multiple viewings for that heightened effect. I had to watch it twice in order to absorb, and understand all the clues, and piece them together. Simply put, this is no action extravaganza.

The ride is pretty slow, and requires thinking, but the reward is definitely worthwhile. Tell Me Something is most definitely the sleeper hit of 1999. It has visual flare, grace, coupled with a very multi layered story that will definitely keep you on your toes.

Tell Me Something is a movie that you will either love, or hate. But will definitely leave a lasting impression in your worst nightmares.

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